Disadvantages of essential tea and tea bags
26 آذر, 1401
Properties of saffron for children
26 آذر, 1401Properties of saffron tea
- Menstrual relief:
Saffron tea is useful for women who have problems with menstruation. Irregular periods are something that some women have problems with, and saffron tea is one of the suggestions, but women who are pregnant should not use it because it may rarely cause have an abortion - Depression:
Saffron tea has been as useful as some anti-depressants, it has beneficial effects on the nerves and is a very powerful agent for relaxation, and the good thing about saffron tea is that this tea is natural, that is, its relaxing qualities occur naturally. and regular consumption of tea can prevent depression. Saffron tea has been known for years and makes people feel happy - Anti-cancer:
The golden color of saffron tea comes from crocin, which is a chemical component in the flower and full of antioxidants. Crocin has powerful anticancer effects against a wide range of cancers. The flavonoids in crocin inhibit cancer cells and may shrink tumor cells. - Heart diseases:
Saffron tea has components that reduce cholesterol in the arteries. This is an important advantage for saffron, because the creation of cholesterol inside the arteries increases heart diseases - Abdominal pain:
Saffron tea reduces pain in the stomach. It has been discovered that pain in mild and serious cases and regular consumption helps to prevent the appearance of such diseases, it may also help relieve chest pain as it can be used to reduce vomiting. It therefore acts as a decongestant which can help soothe the stomach, chest and throat. This is especially ideal for children as it keeps them healthy - High blood pressure:
Crostin is actually a compound that works on blood pressure to reduce it, and saffron leaves have this compound in its components. Frequent consumption of saffron keeps the problem of high blood pressure - Aphrodisiac:
Saffron tea is an aphrodisiac, and the leaves are considered so long that everyone can remember that this spice helps with ejaculation and libido - Vision protection:
Saffron tea has the possibility to reduce the weakness in vision; Saffron has the ability to protect vision cells due to its fatty acid content. When saffron is consumed daily, the amount of fatty acid becomes harder. Protect your eyes by drinking a cup of saffron tea daily. - Respiratory diseases and colds:
As a spice, saffron helps to clean the lungs. When you have a respiratory illness or a cold, the lungs become inflamed. Eating saffron can clear phlegm from the lungs and help you heal faster. Saffron also helps reduce swelling and clean the airways - Increase memory:
Saffron contains two chemicals, crocin and crostin, which researchers believe can help learning and memory function - Natural housing:
Saffron helps to relieve nausea and treat diseases such as ulcers, constipation and bloating, and helps to heal injuries and bruises in the body and relieves muscle pain