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11 بهمن, 1401
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16 بهمن, 1401Brewing Iranian tea the right way
When it comes to brewing Iranian tea, sometimes we hear that Iranian tea does not have that pleasant color and taste. While this is a misconception. First of all, we should know that our taste changes like anything else and we can train it to get used to the right and appropriate tastes.
Another point is that Iranian tea is one of the products whose brewing method can be very effective in its taste, aroma and color. It is enough to brew it in the right way so that we not only enjoy its taste, but also its color is remarkable and appropriate

Brewing Iranian tea
Suitable water temperature for brewing Iranian tea:
One of the important points to have a hearty tea is the temperature of the water. When the water boils, we have to wait three or four minutes for it to cool down and then pour it on the tea. Because high water temperature damages the aroma and taste of tea and destroys its attractive taste
Choosing the right container for brewing tea:
Masoud Esfahani, a Kashmun tea expert, has an interesting saying that just as you cannot make rice for five people in a small pot, you cannot brew tea for five people in a small teapot either. We must be aware that the size of the teapot is proportional to the amount of tea. On the other hand, porcelain and ceramic teapots and then glass teapots are preferred for brewing tea, and metal and clay containers are not a good choice

Brewing Iranian tea
Do not use a mesh strainer to brew tea:
When we use a strainer, we trap the tea in them, and this causes the tea to not release the necessary flavor and not reach its best taste. It is better to leave the tea leaves in the water and separate them after brewing
The correct proportion of Iranian tea:
The appropriate size of Iranian tea, for workshop and handmade teas, 2 full tablespoons per person (a medium glass means 250 to 300 cc) and for factory tea, one large spoon per person. By observing this ratio, we can help the tea to reach its best taste
best time:
To brew Iranian tea, you need to separate the tea pulp from the water after 8 to 10 minutes, because the tea continues to release its flavor and the longer it stays, the more bitter the tea will taste (unless you like bitter tea, in which case you can increase this time). do)
The last thing is that in order to preserve the taste of the tea, when you have removed the scum after the end of brewing, you can keep the tea on low heat for up to an hour