What is the nutritional value of saffron?
29 دی, 1401
Brewing Iranian tea the right way
13 بهمن, 1401Drinking black tea and green tea has always been popular among people. In this article, we talk about herbal mint tea, mention 10 properties of mint tea, and suggest how to prepare and consume this tea with amazing properties. The use of herbs and medicinal plants for therapeutic and medicinal purposes has been very common since ancient times. Many people have used the knowledge of plants to treat and prevent countless diseases.

mint tea
With the advent of herbal medicine, many plants were used to treat diseases in the form of medicine, helping to use knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Let’s get to know the 10 properties of mint tea, the purpose of this plant, how to use it daily and find out how mint tea helps in weight loss
What is mint tea?
Before answering this question and examining the 10 properties of mint tea, let’s first look at the mint plant itself. Medicinal plants have always had a great impact on maintaining people’s health. With the increase of herbal studies, the effects and therapeutic effects of various plants that have been used in a common way among many people were also identified and investigated. Mint is a plant from the Lamiaceae family that is native to the Middle East. This plant was brought to Europe by the Arabs through North Africa. Where it is perfectly adapted to the climate and can even be found in local gardens.
There are documents that were already used by people of ancient times. But they were cataloged only in 1696 by a botanist from England.There are several varieties of mint, many of which have not yet been identified, because different varieties cross-pollinate, resulting in new hybrids. Currently, about 30 varieties of mint are known. This plant is widely cultivated in temperate and subtropical regions and its height reaches 30 to 40 cm
Mint plant
Mint leaves are prismatic and dark green in color. This plant is known for its distinctive taste and refreshing aroma. The most cultivated species are Mentha arvensis and Mentha spicata, both of which are well adapted to subtropical climates. Mint is one of the plants that have medicinal properties that are most widely used both in the pharmaceutical industry and in home remedies. Because it is used in cooking, toothpaste, health products, chewing gum, etc. Mint leaves are rich in fiber and vitamins A, B and C and also contain many minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and potassium.

mint tea
The world production of peppermint is about 20,000 tons, and the largest producers of peppermint essential oil are China, India, Brazil, Japan, France, and the United States. In general, each kilo of oil obtained from the branches is able to produce approximately 50% of diluted oil and 40% of crystalline menthol
10 What are the properties of mint tea?
Numerous studies have been conducted on mint, which show that it has many medicinal properties. Mint leaves have anti-cancer, anti-fungal and anti-pain properties. Here are some of the main benefits of peppermint tea:
They consider mint tea to help digestion. This herbal tea has a tonic effect and helps digestion. In addition, mint helps reduce fat consumption and can be used as a hot tea after meals.
It has an analgesic effect that helps relieve pain.
It helps to reduce the symptoms of nausea and morning sickness.
Peppermint tea has diuretic properties that help to reduce fluid retention and also reduce bloating due to its reduced action.
The smell of peppermint helps to clear the blocked airways and also helps fight asthma and many other respiratory problems.
Stimulates stress reduction.Helping to improve oral and dental health is the property of mint tea.
Stimulates the strengthening of the immune system.
It helps to treat cough, asthma and even allergies.
The property of mint tea is that it helps you lose weight because it has few calories and also stimulates your appetite. It also stimulates fat loss due to its excellent digestive properties